
Spectrogram Library

A list of saved spectrograms is displayed. For each spectrogram its name is displayed, which was set when saving, accumulation time, interval(s) of samples, date of recording start, serial number of the device and number of samples.

It is possible to create for more convenient organization of the library. You can manage folders through the options menu, which is accessed by tapping the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the screen. The options menu also contains:
Search: An input line appears where you can enter part of the spectrogram name. Only spectrogram names containing the entered substring will remain on the screen. The search is performed within the displayed folder, i.e. this function essentially works as a filter. To find a spectrogram located in a folder, you need to switch the display to "Simple list without folders" mode through the same options menu before searching.
Import spectrogram: The system .rcspg file picker opens. You can import a file that was previously exported by an application into the library Radiacode on your smartphone or computer.
Tapping a line opens a dropdown menu:
Open the spectrogram: Load a spectrogram to view. If a spectrogram is currently being recorded, it continues in the background. To return to the graph of the recorded spectrogram, tap the button
on the "Spectrogram" tab and select "Close Spectrogram".
Share spectrogram: Export the spectrogram data to a text file with the extension .rcspg and "share" this file, i.e. save it in smartphone memory, send it by mail or via messenger.
Rename spectrogram: Set a new name for the spectrogram.
Delete spectrogram: Delete spectrogram data from the library.
Mark: Switch to spectrogram marking mode. A check mark appears at the bottom left of the graph:
Select by tapping all spectrograms, with which the group operation will be performed, and tap the symbol with three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the screen:

A dropdown menu will appear:
Select all: Mark all spectrograms in the library.
Invert selection: Make unmarked spectrograms marked and marked ones unmarked.
Delete selected: Delete marked spectrograms after confirmation.
“Cancel”: Unselect all spectrograms and exit the mode. The same is done with the “Back” button on the smartphone.

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