generate a background spectrum set. When obtaining the spectrum, the device shall always be in the same place where the activity measurement will be carried out. To improve the measurement accuracy, it is recommended to obtain spectra for at least 8 hours, and if possible - a day or more. Save the acquired spectrum to the
with the name “Background Date/Location” or similar.
2) Open the “Activity” tab of the application and in the dropdown list of the “Geometry:” select “Point source 5 cm”.
3) In the “Background:” line select the previously obtained background spectrum.
4) Place the turned on device and the source at a distance from each other so that:
the “+” sign of the rear cover of the device was turned towards the source;
the geometric center of the source was located on the same line with the “+” sign, perpendicular to the rear cover of the device;
the distance to the source, measured from its geometric center to the geometric center of the scintillator, was 5 cm (projections of the scintillator center on the side surfaces of the device are marked with marks, and the projection on the back cover is marked with a “+” sign).
5) At the bottom of the “Activity” tab, in the spectrum histogram display area, click the button with the triangle icon to start the measurement.
6) Perform measurements until the values of the minimum detectable activity (MDA), as well as the measurement error, reach the values that suit you.
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