Android App Manual

Map and tracks

Application Radiacode equipped with functions of displaying the emission situation on a map in real time, as well as functions of recording routes (“tracks”) and their subsequent download for view.

To access the map, select the “Map” item in the main menu, which is called by tapping the icon
top left. To record tracks, the app needs access to the location of the device. Also, the location function of the phone/tablet must be enabled.

Opens .
Displays a point in the center of the map that corresponds to your current location.
Starts or continues recording a track.
Indicates that marker colors are determined from dose rate values. When clicked, switches to the mode of marker coloring by count rate, and the icon on the button is replaced by this:
. This icon indicates that marker colors are determined by count rate values, and clicking on it switches to the mode of marker coloring by dose rate.
Opens a dropdown menu:
Mark: Enter marker flagging mode. In this mode, tapping a marker flags it for later deletion. The flagged markers are white and surrounded by a pink circle.
Delete selected...: After confirmation, delete the flagged markers from the track. Markers are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
Automatically colors markers on the map in accordance with the minimum and maximum dose rate/count rate values.
Expands/hides the color bar graph.
There are no rows in this table


When you record a track, each current location is marked with a circle on the map. The color of the circle corresponds to the emission level or count rate measured at this point, taking into account the color settings on the color scale.


The colors of the markers are determined by the dose rate values or, starting with application version 1.30.00, by the count rate values. The display mode is selected using the corresponding button on the toolbar. Tracks recorded with older versions of the software do not contain count rate information, so marker colors will appear the same in both modes. Tracks recorded by a device whose firmware did not yet support energy compensation essentially contain dose rate values that are directly proportional to the count rate.

To start recording a track, tap the icon
at the top left of the screen. You will be prompted to enter a track title. After that, recording will start, and the name of the track will be displayed at the top of the screen under the buttons:

New points appear on the map, and, accordingly, are remembered in the track only when the location changes. In the , you can set the minimum position accuracy. It should be borne in mind that the correctness of determining the location depends on many factors - the quality of the phone's GPS module, the interference situation, etc. In the absence of information from the GPS sensor, the smartphone can determine the location using other sources - cell towers and Wi-Fi networks.

When first displayed on the map in the dose rate mode, the marker is colored according to the current value of the dose rate transmitted by the device, and surrounded by a thick gray line. The operational value of the dose rate transmitted by the device lags behind the current calendar moment in time. The lag time depends on the rate of change in the radiation situation: with small changes in dose rate values, the lag can be tens of seconds; with sharp changes, the lag is reduced. As data arrives from the device, operational markers corresponding to the calendar time of the received values are repainted in accordance with the accepted value and acquire the status of permanent ones, the thick stroke disappears. You can turn off the thick outline of operational markers in the map settings. Hot markers are not stored in the database.

Track recording continues until it is explicitly stopped and as long as the application is in communication with the device. When the device is reconnected, track recording resumes automatically.

It should be borne in mind that in the track recording mode, the smartphone consumes a lot of energy and its battery will drain faster. If you do not need to, do not set too small a value for the positioning accuracy in the application settings.

If you tap any circle (marker), information corresponding to this point will be displayed - date/time, measured emission level, count rate, and positioning accuracy:


Long tap of the window with information allows, after confirmation, to remove this point from the track.

Color scale

The color scale is a quick way to color the track points so that they clearly reflect the changing emission situation. By moving the scale sliders, you can set the minimum dose rate or count rate value, which corresponds to the violet color, and the maximum value, which corresponds to the red one:


This example shows that the entire range of measured values is approximately 40...77 R/h. The purple slider is set to 40.5 R/h, so all points with the same and lower dose rate level will be purple. The red slider is set to 77.2 R/h, and all points with the same or higher level will be red. All points between 40 and 77 R/h will have intermediate colors, from violet to red. In the map settings, you can select a palette of colors to display markers.

In the map settings, you can turn on the function of automatic coloring of markers in accordance with the current maximum and maximum measured value.

See also:

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