
Export and import of spectra

Spectra are exported with the command “Share”, which is called through the dropdown menus
in the “Spectrum” and “View” tabs, as well as the window of the spectra library.

Two formats are supported: .xml (default) and .csv. Both formats are supported by the popular Becquerel Monitor software. You can select the export format in the spectrum settings.

A file in xml format can simultaneously include a spectrum and a background and contains all information about them - names, number of channels, spectrum accumulation time, calibration factors and the serial number of the device on which the spectrum and background were taken. This format is self-sufficient and does not require additional steps from the user when importing; xml files can be imported directly from instant messengers like WhatsApp and Telegram.

A csv file is a text file with a .csv extension that can be used not only with the Becquerel monitor, but also with other applications due to the simplicity of its format. Only pairs of values ”channel number, number of pulses” are written to the file. In the spectrum settings, you can choose which separator to use - comma or semicolon. The file name is formed as “Spectrum_<Current date/time>_<Accumulation time in seconds>s.csv”, for example, Spectrum_2021-05-12_13-53- 55_1426s.csv. When importing csv file into application Radiacode a window is displayed where it is proposed to enter the spectrum name, the accumulation time (if it was not possible to determine it from the file name), as well as the serial number of the device, on which the spectrum was taken, and the calibration factors. It is possible to indicate to the application that the imported spectrum was taken with the currently connected device - for this there is a special button “Copy factors and serial number from the device”.

For spectrum and background overlapping from different devices Radiacode-10X read

Importing a spectrum to the library

Application Radiacode is registered in the smartphone as a handler for files with the .xml and .csv extensions. When tapping a file with the .xml or .csv extension in any other Android application, for example, in WhatsApp or Telegram, the application Radiacode will be in the “Open with...” list. If you open the file with Radiacode, the spectrum will be imported into the spectrum library, you will be prompted to set the import parameters for the spectrum.

You can also import a spectrum using the button
The system file picker opens.

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