
Background Usage and Spectra Library

In the application Radiacode it is possible to display on the graph not only the spectrum of accumulated emission, but also to compare the spectrum with the previously measured background spectrum. One can display spectrum and background graphs at the same time in the overlay mode, or display a graph of the difference between the values of the current spectrum and the background.

To use a background, you first need to measure this background with the device over a period of time. Then you need to save the resulting spectrum to the spectrum library. To do this, tap the local menu call button in the spectrum window:

Select “Save Spectrum to Library” from the dropdown menu. You will be prompted to name the spectrum. The spectrum will be displayed with this name in the library list. If you leave the “Set as Current Background” option enabled, then after saving the spectrum will be displayed on the graph as a background. You can also select the background from the spectra library in future.

There are two modes for displaying spectrum and background. In the overlay mode, the background graph is drawn on top of the spectrum graph - the spectrum is drawn in orange, the background in green. In the second mode, the difference between the spectrum and the background is displayed, the color of the graph is purple.

In the mode of displaying the difference between the spectrum and the background, the difference in the count rate is displayed, since the background and the current spectrum always have different accumulation times and it makes no sense to subtract the number of accumulated pulses.

If using spectrum and background from different devices for superposition Radiacode-10X, it should be borne in mind that different devices have different calibration factors. When overlaying spectra graphs, the application compares them per channel (the first channel with the first channel, the second channel with the second channel, etc.). Different devices have different emission energies corresponding to the same spectral channels, therefore, when the graphs from different devices are superimposed, differences in the positions of the peaks corresponding to the same emission energy will appear.

If the application detects such a situation, it issues an appropriate warning. Device Radiacode-10X is identified by its serial number.

Spectra library

The spectra library is called by the item “Spectra Library” of the local menu. The list of saved spectra is displayed:


The graph of the spectrum selected for display is shown in green. For created by an instrument with firmware version less than 4.00, an orange marker with the number 8 is displayed in the lower right corner.

For each saved spectrum, its graph in the logarithmic scale, name and accumulation time are displayed.

It is possible to create for more convenient organization of the library. You can manage folders through the options menu, which is accessed by tapping the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the screen. The options menu also contains:
Search: An input line appears where you can enter part of the spectrum name. Only spectrum names containing the entered substring will remain on the screen. The search is performed within the displayed folder, i.e. this function essentially works as a filter. To find a spectrum located in a folder, you need to switch the display to "Simple list without folders" mode through the same options menu before searching.
Import spectrum: The system tool for selecting an .xml or .csv file opens. You can import a file that was previously exported by an application into the library Radiacode on your smartphone or computer.
Tapping a line opens a dropdown menu:
Set as current background: Select a spectrum to display as background.
Load to view: Load spectrum to view in .
Share spectrum: to text file with the extension .xml or .csv and “share” this file.
Rename spectrum: Set a new name for the spectrum.
Edit calibration factors: A dialog window opens where you can set calibration factors for the selected spectrum. This can be useful if the device, with which the spectrum was taken, was recalibrated.
Delete spectrum: Remove spectrum data from the library.
Mark: Switch to the spectra marking mode. A check mark appears at the bottom left of the graph:

Select by tapping all spectra, with which the group operation will be performed, and tap the symbol with three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the screen:

A dropdown menu will appear:
Select all: Mark all spectra in the library.
Invert selection: Make unmarked spectra marked and marked ones unmarked.
Combine selected: Perform the operation of channel-by-channel addition of the data of the selected spectra. Only spectra obtained with the same device can be combined. Radiacode-10X. A new spectrum is created, you are prompted to enter its name for saving in the spectra library. The number of pulses of each channel of the combined spectrum is the sum of the number of pulses in the corresponding channels of the combined spectra. The accumulation time is calculated in the same way.
Edit calibration factors: A dialog window opens, where you can set the calibration factors for all selected spectra. This can be useful if the device, with which the spectra were taken, was recalibrated.
Delete selected: Delete marked spectra after confirmation.
“Cancel”: Unselect all spectra and exit the mode. The same is done with the “Back” button on the smartphone.

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