
1024 spectrum channels instead of 256

Instrument firmware version 4+ supports 1024-channel spectra. Earlier firmware versions supported 256-channel spectra.

The number of spectrum channels is determined by the digit capacity of the ADC used, which digitizes the signal of the instrument's scintillation detector. The higher bit rate, i.e. 10 bits instead of 8 bits, allows 1024 channels of spectrum. This provides a clearer separation of the spectrum peaks in the low energy region of radiation. The transition to 10-bit spectra became possible due to application of special algorithms and techniques of signal processing at the ADC output. These algorithms minimized the effect of the nonlinearity of the ADC characteristic on the shape of the spectrum.

Application Radiacode works with 10-bit spectra. When loading from the spectra library and importing old 8-bit spectra (256 channels) from files, they are converted to 10-bit spectra (1024 channels). It should be kept in mind that:
When converting spectra from 8-bit to 10-bit, the values of calibration coefficients are recalculated: the value of a₀ does not change, a₁ decreases by a factor of 4, a₂ decreases by a factor of 16.
In the spectra and spectrogram library, 8-bit spectra are labeled with an orange circle with the number 8 in the lower right corner. Calibration coefficients are displayed as converted for a 10-bit spectrum.
The 1024-channel spectra and spectrograms are always stored in the spectra and spectrogram library and exported.
Drawing and processing of large spectrograms may be slower due to the increased number of channels.
The application will work normally with an instrument that has firmware version less than 4.00 that produces 256-channel spectra. However, it is recommended to update the firmware to the latest version.
Earlier versions of the application designed to work with 256-channel spectra will not work correctly with an instrument that has firmware version 4+.
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